Tag Archive for: Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity

AIP Model Wins House Design Award

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Asheville Habitat’s single-level Aging in Place (AIP) townhome specifically designed for adults age 55+ was recently awarded “Best in Accessibility” in Habitat for Humanity International’s nationwide house design contest.

Habitat’s Home Repair Program Expands to Madison County


Habitat’s Home Repair team tackled their first ever project in Madison County for Thomas, client in need of a stable, safe porch. The home was built in 1856 and added onto in the early 1900s- perhaps the oldest home we’ve ever worked on!

Building together for 40 years


Four decades of life-changing work is punctuated with impressive statistics and heart-warming stories. For Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity on its 40th Anniversary, those statistics and stories speak to the enduring power of partnership.

2022 ReStore ReUse Contest Winners Announced


Congratulations to the winners of our 11th annual ReStore ReUse Contest! Thanks to all entrants for sharing your creativity and talent for a chance to win.

What’s Cooking: Meet Blueprint Breakfast Chef Steven Goff

Chef and owner of Tastee Diner Steven Goff shares why supporting nonprofits is so important to him.

Local Chefs Prepare Plates Reflective of Home at 10/13 Blueprint Breakfast

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Join AAHH and some of Asheville’s culinary best on Thursday 10/13/22 for a fun and delicious evening of creative cuisine and craft beverages in support of one of our region’s most pressing issues– housing.

“Never in my wildest dreams”


Alexander homeowner of 44 years now can live safely navigate her property, thanks to Habitat’s Home Repair program.

Women building community- one affordable home at a time

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Learn all things Women Build- what it’s all about, the history and how to get involved to help us build another energy-efficient, affordable home in West Asheville.

Celebrating National Volunteer Week


Hundreds of Asheville Habitat volunteers were celebrated and thanked at Highland Brewing on April 20th during a National Volunteer Appreciation Week event.

Tag Archive for: Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity

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