• Own your own home.



Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity builds and finances 1, 2, 3, and 4-bedroom homes and townhomes. Qualified homeowners pay an affordable monthly mortgage that is equal to or less than 30% of their gross monthly income.

To apply:

Please download and fill out an application below, and return it with income documentation to:

33 Meadow Rd.
Asheville, NC 28803

Completed applications can be put in our outside dropbox at our Admin Office at 33 Meadow Road or ring the doorbell on the side entrance (the main entrance is closed due to damage from Helene). Our fax machine is not working.

Please review the application checklist for acceptable proof of income.

If you would like to receive an application by mail, please email your request to apply@ashevillehabitat.org or call 828-210-9371.

Interested in Habitat homeownership?

Use our self-evaluation tool to evaluate your readiness for the program!

Information Sessions

Habitat’s Information sessions present detailed information about the Homeownership Program and what it takes to qualify. We offer hour-long in-person sessions and virtual sessions via Zoom.

Upcoming dates for in person sessions:

  • Saturday, February 8th from 11-12:00pm at our Admin Office at 33 Meadow Rd

Upcoming dates for virtual sessions:

  • Saturday, February 22nd  from 11-12:00pm (via Teams)
    •            Meeting ID: 299 451 760 647
                 Passcode: dJ3xK2MB

*You must register to attend a virtual Information Session. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. For technical support on the virtual information sessions, please email DLester@ashevillehabitat.org

Recorded Info Session:

If you cannot attend one of our scheduled information sessions, we encourage you to watch this short video about our program to learn what it takes to qualify for homeownership.

Please email Dianna Lester at dlester@shevillehabitat.org for all questions regarding the virtual information session.

Qualifications for Homeownership


  • Must have lived and/or worked in Buncombe or Madison Counties for a minimum of 12 months prior to application.
  • Applicants must be legal U.S. residents.


  • Living in overcrowded housing.
  • Living in substandard housing.
  • Paying more than 30% of gross income on rent.
  • Living in temporary, subsidized, or public housing.

Willingness to Partner

  • Each applicant who will be listed on the deed must be willing to perform 200 hours of Sweat Equity.
  • Applicants must be willing to complete a Homebuyer Education program.
  • Appropriate accommodations can be made for families with physical limitations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Homeownership Qualifications continued

Ability to Pay

  • Rental History: Must have paid rent on-time for 12 months prior to applying. If not currently paying rent, must submit bank statements showing 12-months of recurring deposits to your savings account, at the same time each month, as though you were paying rent. Deposits must be sufficient to show ability to pay mortgage (roughly 25% of gross monthly income) and must remain in account for 12-months.
  • Employment history: When considering income from employment, minimum 2 years of continuous employment history, including at least 12 months with current employer.
  • Debt-to-Income ratio: Monthly debts cannot consume more than 18% of gross monthly income. Need help calculating your debt-to-income ratio? Use this calculator.
  • Delinquent Debt: No more than $3,000 in total balances at the time of application.
  • Revolving Debt (ie: credit card debt): No more than $5,000 in total balances at the time of application, excluding student loan or automobile loan debt.
  • Bankruptcy: Must wait two years after being discharged.
  • Income: Must be stable and fall below 80% of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Area Median Income. See chart below.

Note: You cannot qualify for Habitat homeownership if you own a home at the time of application.

Income Requirements (subject to change)

Minimum and maximum monthly income to qualify for a Habitat home.
House SizeMonthly Minimum Monthly Maximum
1 person$2,180$4,362
2 people$2,493$4,983
3 people$2,803$5,608
4 people$3,116$6,233
5 peolpe$3,363$6,729
6 people$3,613$7,229
7 people$3,863$7,729
8 people$4,113$8,229

*Gross income before taxes

The size of your home will be based on the number of people in your household.

Are you 55+ years old and interested in buying a Habitat home?

Please visit our page about Aging in Place, Habitat’s new affordable homeownership program specifically for aging adults (55+).

In accepting and rejecting applications, Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity must conform to all aspects of the Fair Housing Act and all Fair Housing Laws, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Privacy Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as any local applicable laws as they apply to applications for a mortgage.