Volunteers make the Habitat world go-round. The cumulative efforts of nearly 2,000 individual volunteers equated to more than 62,000 hours of service in 2023. According to Independent Sector, that is a value of nearly $2 million!
Core volunteers (weekly or bi-weekly) are foundational to Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity. Their commitment to service has helped bring thousands of adults and children home since 1983.
“We’re especially thrilled to celebrate National Volunteer Appreciation Week this year because volunteering has finally returned to pre-pandemic levels. The outpouring of compassion and hope from our volunteers is the best of what this community can be,” shared Asheville Habitat CEO, Andy Barnett.
Seven core volunteers reached noteworthy service milestones:
- ReStore volunteer Susan Diehn celebrates her 30th anniversary! Susan has been a core volunteer since not long after Asheville opened its first ReStore on Biltmore Avenue, downtown. At the time, it was called The Habitat Home Store. The photo shows here in the early days in that original retail space.
- Cassie Dillon and Kris Ruth have met the 20-year mark as core volunteers!
- Celebrating 15-years of service are Nancy Herman, John Latham, Lee Raymond, and Rosemarie Robuck.
- Additionally, 37 volunteers are recognized for reaching 5 and 10-year milestones.
Volunteer with the top hours in 2023 were:
- John Harvin (ReStore) – 727 hrs.
- CJ Obara (Construction) – 644 hrs.
- Melissa Banks (Construction, ReStore & Admin) – 603 hrs.
- Janis Rose (ReStore) – 577 hrs.
- Jerry Ray (Construction) – 560 hrs.
What keeps them coming back, week after week and year after year? Overwhelmingly, it is a commitment to Habitat’s mission, the camaraderie of fellow volunteers, a sense of purpose, and fulfilling, feel-good work.
“The best part about volunteering at the ReStore is the people. The people, and doing incredibly good work for a great cause. Every day I’m grateful that I have a home, and I’m so grateful that we’re able to help provide that for others.”
Some fun facts about Asheville Habitat’s volunteer program:
- Asheville Habitat host volunteers of all ages, from students age 16 (minimum) to folks who are in their 80’s and enjoy staying active and engaged in their community, and everyone in between.
- Student volunteers (age 16+) from six participating schools help build (and raise the sponsorship funds for) the annual Student Build House.
- Habitat for Humanity International’s Women Build program empowers women to build – and advocate for – affordable housing in their communities. Since 1994, Asheville Habitat’s Women Build program has raised nearly $900,000 and built 18 homes.
- Core volunteers and staff from the AVL and WVL ReStores together diverted 2,850 tons of usable material from landfills in 2024.
- Volunteer opportunities are available across the organization Monday through Saturday. Individuals and groups welcome!