Winner Reveal! 3D Printed Ornament Contest
On Wednesday, December 17th Habitat and Spectra 3D Technologies announced the winning design of the first “Habitat for the Holidays: 3D Printed Ornament Contest”. After the reveal, multiples of the winning 3D ornament became available for sale at $4.99 each. The ornaments will remain for sale in the store until they are sold out. All proceeds will benefit Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity.
The winning design was created by Roger Gauthier. He received a $100 ReStore gift card and a free print of his ornament. Congratulations, Roger!
Also, from noon to 6pm that same day Spectra 3D Technologies held a live 3D printing demonstration. Both events were open to the public.

Roger Gauthier stands next to a display of his winning 3D ornament.

The digital submission of Gauthier’s winning ornament.