Our Team
Executive Director
Andy Barnett, abarnett@ashevillehabitat.org
Office Manager & Executive Assistant
Laura Walker, lwalker@ashevillehabitat.org
Office Assistant
Heather Roberts-VanSickle, hrobertsvansickle@ashevillehabitat.org
Human Resources Specialist
Sheila C. Garcia, sgarcia@ashevillehabitat.org
Development Director
Kit Rains, krains@ashevillehabitat.org
Development Officer, Government and Philanthropy:
Cassidy Moore, cmoore@ashevillehabitat.org
Development Officer, Individual and Corporate Giving
Beth Russo, brusso@ashevillehabitat.org
Development Officer, Sponsorship and Stewardship Coordinator
Zoe Trout ztrout@ashevillehabitat.org
Development Officer, Events
Eva Mellert, emellert@ashevillehabitat.org
Development Associate
Ann Hubbard, ahubbard@ashevillehabitat.org
Communications Director
Ariane Kjellquist, akjellquist@ashevillehabitat.org
Communications Specialist
Maddy Alewine, malewine@ashevillehabitat.org
Homeowner Selection Specialist
Shannon Kauffman, skauffman@ashevillehabitat.org
Homeownership Counselor
Jeff Paul, jpaul@ashevillehabitat.org
Finance Director
Ed McGowan, emcgowan@ashevillehabitat.org
Accounting Specialist
Angie Carter, acarter@ashevillehabitat.org
Accounting Specialist
Alice Donnelly, adonnelly@ashevillehabitat.org
Questions about merchandise for sale, merchandise donations or to schedule a pick-up, please call 828-254-6706. For a list of all ReStore staff, please click here.
ReStore Director
Scott Stetson, sstetson@ashevillehabitat.org
Asheville ReStore Manager
Jeff Bridgman, jbridgman@ashevillehabitat.org
Asheville ReStore Assistant Manager
Scott Bianchi, sbianchi@ashevillehabitat.org
ReStore Supervisor
Lauren Rozman, lrozman@ashevillehabitat.org
Upper Showroom Assistant Manager
Brian Haynes, bhaynes@ashevillehabitat.org
Weaverville ReStore Manager
Susan Haynes, shaynes@ashevillehabitat.org
Weaverville ReStore Assistant Manager
Eric Tamila, etamila@ashevillehabitat.org
ReStore Volunteer Coordinator
Carrie Burgin, cburgin@ashevillehabitat.org
Scheduling Coordinator
Piper Parker, pparker@ashevillehabitat.org
Construction Services Director
Paul Reeves, preeves@ashevillehabitat.org
Construction Services Volunteer Coordinator
Stephanie Wallace, swallace@ashevillehabitat.org
Construction Manager
Robin Clark, rclark@ashevillehabitat.org
Senior Construction Supervisor
Kenny Busch, kbusch@ashevillehabitat.org
Construction Supervisor
John Meadows, jmeadows@ashevillehabitat.org
Construction Supervisor
Craig Comeau, ccomeau@ashevillehabitat.org
Construction Supervisor
Emily Stevens, estevens@ashevillehabitat.org
Construction Administrator
Sumaya El-Attar, selattar@ashevillehabitat.org
Home Repair Manager
Joel Johnson, jjohnson@ashevillehabitat.org
Home Repair Project Supervisor
Pete Simmons, psimmons@ashevillehabitat.org
Thomas Brennan, tbrennan@ashevillehabitat.org
Jeannie Goldenberg, jgoldenberg@ashevillehabitat.org
Lucas Hanson, lhanson@ashevillehabitat.org
Chris Nolan, cnolan@ashevillehabitat.org
Billy Roy, broy@ashevillehabitat.org
Cecily Schenimann, cschenimann@ashevillehabitat.org
Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity is led by a Board of Directors that sets policy for the organization and leads fundraising efforts. Board members are elected to three-year terms, and all board members are volunteers.
Robby Russell
Vice President
Cassie Dillon
Kevin Watson
Assistant Treasurer
Jim Hamling
Kirby Tyndall
Assistant Secretary
Tricia Franck
Terry Bellamy
Rebecca Brothers
Chris Cavanaugh
Kevin Click
Brattan Gelder
Leslie Hennessee
Rebecca Lawton
Jane McNeil
John Miles
Robin Raines
Beth Robrecht
Elizabeth Sims
Joe Ward
We are grateful to our core volunteers who make a regular commitment to serving Asheville Habitat – whether by swinging a hammer, answering office phones, helping ReStore customers or serving on a committee.
The Unpaid Bills
Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity has many “unpaid Bills” – but not the kind you’re thinking. These Bills have chosen to be left unpaid, donating their time and energy, often a few times a week, to help build and repair homes for families, primarily in Buncombe county. Though one Bill volunteers in Henderson County, too! There are seven Bills in total, but as Bill Durant a Friday Core volunteer mused, “Comparable to the stack on my desk – both are increasing.” While this group started as something silly to refer to the growing number of core volunteers named Bill who receives their pay in the form of gratitude and sore muscles, The Unpaid Bills has become an identity for these men who make up a community within the larger group of weekly Core Habitat construction volunteers. Read more…