Key Presentation for the Hearts & Hammers House

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Habitat will hold a key presentation to dedicate the Hearts & Hammers House and congratulate the Jones family. The media and public are invited to attend.

Thrivent Builds Dedication

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Join us for the dedication of the Thrivent Builds House, soon-to-be home of Annie Allen. The event will be held at the home in our Hudson Hills neighborhood.

Dedication of Final 6 Homes in Hudson Hills

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Join us as we celebrate the completion of Hudson Hills! We will be dedicating the final six homes with the homeowners families, sponsors, volunteers, staff and community well-wishers. Come enjoy cider, popcorn, cookies and good company and help us welcome six more families HOME! 2015 Xmas Jam House: Trantham-Roper Family Kraus-Cooper Cottage: Haywood Family House built […]